Mailing Lists

SeaJUG hosts two discussion groups using the freely available service. To subscribe to the discussion groups, follow the links below:

Technical Discussion List

The SeaJUG list is intended as a forum for the discussion of technical and practical issues related to the use of the Java language, as well as announcements of meetings or other events that would be of interest to the SeaJUG community.

Postings of a commercial nature are expressly frowned upon. Continued posting eligibility is subject to adherence to the list charter.

Click here to join the SeaJUG list

Local Jobs List

Use this list if you wish to keep abreast of Java opportunities, or would like to send job announcements.

Please keep in mind that:

  • they must be focused on JAVA or JVM related languages like Scala, etc, NOT JavaScript, C++, C# or otherwise.
  • they should be focused on the Puget Sound job market. They should definitely not be based overseas – there are other forums for this (google it).

Continued posting eligibility is subject to adherence to the list charter.

Note that the list moderator has to approve all membership requests to avoid any spam on the list. This could take a day or two at most. Thanks for your patience. If you haven’t for a response for a few days, the email could be sitting in your spam folder. Contact the SeaJUG chair if you don’t get a response within a few days at most.

Click here to join the SeaJUG jobs list